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Unlock the potential of your agile teams with SierraAgility’s TeamAdvisor™ feature! Our cutting-edge technology ensures that all teams are formed correctly, no team members are overburdened by being on multiple teams, and that product owners don’t become overwhelmed with too many teams. Plus, our TeamAdvisor ensures that all Scrum events and practices remain compliant. With TeamAdvisor, you can rest easy knowing that your agile teams are at their peak performance!

SierraAgility’s TeamAdvisor is the perfect tool for companies of all sizes who want to get the most out of their agile teams. We ensure your team formation, Scrum compliance, and product ownership are up to snuff. TeamAdvisor works in the background, seamlessly integrating your existing tools and processes to give you the insights you need. And with our intuitive reporting dashboard, you can quickly identify areas for improvement and take action accordingly. Don’t let an inefficient process hinder your team’s progress!

The future of agile teams is here – get TeamAdvisor and make sure your team runs like a well-oiled machine. Trust SierraAgility to ensure that your teams are always up to speed!

Unlock the potential of your agile teams today!

About TeamAdvisor™

TeamAdvisor™ is a powerful tool from SierraAgility, designed to provide you with the insights and intelligence needed to maximize team performance. It works by monitoring your entire agile process – from sprint planning and backlog refinement sessions to daily scrums and sprint retrospectives – then gives you simple but comprehensive reports on what’s working, where there are opportunities for improvement, and how best to get the most out of your team.

TeamAdvisor™ makes it easy to identify areas where teams could be more effective, better communicate with each other, or increase their collaboration. It provides visibility into all aspects of the agile process, from sprint planning and task execution to releases and delivery. This helps teams make informed decisions about how to adjust their process and approach to maximize productivity and optimize results. TeamAdvisor™ also offers a suite of analytics tools that make it easy to track progress and performance across sprints, releases, and other milestones. With these insights, teams can quickly identify trends, analyze customer feedback, and pinpoint areas where they need to focus more attention or invest more resources. This enables teams to stay agile and adjust as needed so that they can deliver their best work every time. By providing visibility into the entire process, TeamAdvisor helps teams get better results while reducing wasteful effort and keeping customers satisfied.

What Does TeamAdvisor™ Tell You?

TeamAdvisor™ catches the most common mistakes made by teams around the world. When you view your dashboard (just click “Sierra Agility” in the upper left to go to your dashboard), you’ll see the teams defined in your company. Here’s an example:

Look at the team card right by the word “TeamAdvisor:” See the odd yellow symbol? That’s a TeamAdvisor notice. There are many you could see. Here’s what they look like and what they mean:

  • – Team has too few members
  • – The team has too many members
  • – The team is not assigned to any products
  • – The team is assigned to too many products
  • – team has no assigned Product Owner / Scrum Master
  • – The team has members on multiple teams
  • – Tasks in the active sprint are too large
  • – Product Backlog Items in the active Sprint may be too large
  • – Active sprint does not have a sprint goal
  • – One or more products do not have product goals
  • – Team is not meeting sprint goals
  • – This team has no currently active Sprint
  • – This team has a sprint beyond its end date, but a review hasn’t been done

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