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Scrum Events

In Scrum, five events occur within each Sprint: Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, and the Sprint itself. These events provide a framework for the development team to collaborate, plan, and review their progress. Here are some key aspects of events in Scrum:

  1. Purpose: Each event in Scrum serves a specific purpose and helps ensure that the development team is working towards the Sprint Goal and Product Goal. These events provide opportunities for collaboration, communication, planning, and reflection.
  2. Time-boxed: Each event in Scrum is time-boxed, meaning it has a fixed duration. This helps ensure the development team stays focused and productive during the event.
  3. Examples: Here are some examples of events in Scrum:
    • Sprint Planning: This event occurs at the beginning of each Sprint and involves the Product Owner and Developers working together to define the Sprint Goal and plan the work to be completed during the Sprint.
    • Daily Scrum: This event occurs each day during the Sprint, allowing the developers to synchronize their work and plan for the day ahead. The Daily Scrum should be time-boxed to no more than 15 minutes.
    • Sprint Review: This event occurs at the end of each Sprint and allows the developers to present the product increment created during the Sprint to stakeholders for feedback. This feedback can be used to refine the Product Backlog and identify potential Sprint Goals for the next Sprint.
    • Sprint Retrospective: This event occurs at the end of each Sprint, allowing the Scrum team to reflect on their processes and identify areas for improvement. This feedback can refine the team’s practices and processes for the next Sprint.
    • Sprint: The Sprint itself is also considered an event in Scrum. It is a time-boxed period during which the development team works to create a potentially shippable product increment.

Overall, events in Scrum provide a framework for the development team to collaborate, plan, and review their progress. Each event serves a specific purpose and is time-boxed to ensure the development team stays focused and productive. By following this framework, the developers can work together to achieve the Sprint Goal and deliver value to stakeholders regularly and consistently.


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